Josu Doncel Vicente

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Contact information:

  • Address:
    Department of Mathematics
    University of the Basque Country
    Barrio Sarriena s/n
    48940 Leioa (Spain)

  • Tel : + 34 94 601 78 95

  • Email: josu.doncel (at)

Short bio:

I obtained from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) the Industrial Engineering degree in 2007, the Mathematics degree in 2010 and, in 2011, the Master degree in Applied Mathematics and Statistics. I received in 2015 the PhD degree from Université de Toulouse (France). I am currently associate professor in the mathematics department of the UPV/EHU. I have previously held research positions at LAAS-CNRS (France), INRIA Grenoble (France) and BCAM-Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (Spain), teaching positions at ENSIMAG (France), INSA-Toulouse (France) and IUT-Blagnac (France) and invited researcher positions at Laboratory of Signals and Systems of CentraleSupelec (France), at Inria Paris (France) and at Laboratory David (France).

My research interests are modeling, optimization and performance evaluation of distributed stochastic systems such as telecommunications and energy networks.

To know me better:

  • Basque Country.
    It is the place where I was born and a very special region due to many raisons such as its history, orography and climate.
  • Music.
    Paco de Lucia is for me one of the best guitarrists in the history of music. Gone but not forgotten.
  • Sports.
    I think that keeping fit is important to avoid future problems in some parts of the body such as the back. Besides, practicing sports helps me to stop my profesional acitivities and think carefully. Mens sana in corpore sano.
  • Volunteerism.
    This is a world with a lot of injustice. I believe that there are a lot of options to change this and all the people can contribute to do it.

Last modified: 28/08/2024 14:21:29